Make Money Using Pinterest with Pinbooster
Several days ago while I was researching ways to monetize my Pinterest account I happily stumbled across Pinbooster. Pinbooster works very similarly to other social media incentive programs like Sponsored Tweets where brands pay you to post. Pinterest users sign up for a free Pinbooster account and link to their Pinterest account.
Once you’ve signed up for an account, you provide information about what types of boards you pin to, some basic demographic information (age, location, etc.). This information helps Pinbooster match you with the right advertisers. The site claims that, “We want your Pinbooster pins to be at home with all of your other favourite things.”
Pinbooster will then examine your information and in a couple of days suggest a “Price per Pin” for you based on what other similar individuals with the same interest and number of followers charge, but ultimately you can set your own price. Obviously, the more influence you have (higher number of followers) the better your pricing will be.
When you receive an offer, decide to accept it or reject it. Once an advertiser thinks you are a good fit, it will make you an offer which you can accept or reject.
If you do accept the offer, once you pin according to the instructions you are paid within 24 hours.
This sounds like a great way to monetize Pinterest and connect with brands.
Pinterest users to re-pin sponsored messages from brands